A protest in opposition to the Israeli government begun four months after the war ended. It was led by Motti Ashkenazi, commander of Budapest, the northernmost from the Bar-Lev forts and the one one particular in the war not to be captured because of the Egyptians.
وعلى أثر ذلك تلقى الرئيس الأمريكي آنذاك ريتشارد نيكسون رسالة من الزعيم السوفيتي ليونيد بريجنيف.
وقررت دول الخليج الغنية بالنفط معاقبة الغرب على موقفه الداعم لإسرائيل باستخدام ما أطلقت عليه "سلاح النفط".
جوليا رمضان: شابة لبنانية أحبّت العطاء حتى الرمق الأخير
Despite Israel's tactical successes west in the canal, the Egyptian army was reformed and arranged. Therefore, according to Gamasy, the Israeli armed service place grew to become "weak" for various explanations:
since the Syrian situation deteriorated, Jordan sent an expeditionary pressure into Syria. King Hussein, who had occur beneath extreme tension to enter the war, told Israel of his intentions via U.S. intermediaries, from the hope that Israel would accept this was not a casus belli justifying an attack on Jordan.
أعلن حزب الله اللبناني أنه قتل جنودا إسرائيليين قرب الحدود، وأطلق عشرات الصواريخ على شمال حيفا والجليل مما أسفر عن أضرار كبيرة وحرائق.
وتحت عنوان "ذكرى حرب أكتوبر وما تلاها"، يقول خيرالله خيرالله، في صحيفة "العرب" اللندنية، إنه "قبل أقل بقليل من نصف قرن، اتفق أنور السادات وحافظ الأسد على شن حرب على إسرائيل بغية استعادة الأراضي المحتلة.
The 679th Armored Brigade was intended to join the 240th Ugda and ordered to mobilise at noon 6 Oct.[321] Reservists of both brigades arriving at the Galilee Military depots have been quickly assigned to tanks and sent to your entrance, with no watching for the crews they skilled with to reach,[322] device guns being set up, or maybe the tank guns being calibrated, a time-consuming procedure often called bore-sighting.[323] components of such much larger models have been during seven Oct fed in to the battle piece-food.[324]
«لقد فر الجنود الإسرائيليون من خط بارليف وهم يلتقطون أنفاسهم ، وقد علت القذارة أبدانهم وشحبت وجوههم، فرت فلولهم من الجحيم الذي فتحه عليهم الهجوم المصري الكاسح.
مباشر, خامنئي : here الهجوم الصاروخي على إسرائيل مشروع تماما، ومصدر من حزب الله يؤكد دفن نصر الله "مؤقتا كوديعة" في مكان سري
Following his launch, he advocated the formation of the "Supreme High Committee" modeled just after Israel's Agranat Fee as a way to "probe, take a look at and analyze" the performance of Egyptian forces along with the command selections designed during the war, but his requests had been totally dismissed.
Sharon objected and requested authorization to extend and crack out of your bridgehead on the west lender, arguing that such a maneuver would result in the collapse of Egyptian forces around the east bank. though the Israeli substantial command was insistent, believing that right until the east lender was safe, forces within the west bank might be cut off. Sharon was overruled by his superiors and relented.[199]
ومضى يقول "يبدو أن رئيسا أمريكيا في ذلك الموقف (فضيحة ووترغيت) مستعد للذهاب إلى مثل هذا المدى في أي لحظة دون استشارة حلفائه، ودون أي مبرر عسكري في ذلك الوقت".